Sunday, January 31, 2010

I'm putting my weight on "Project Status"

I stayed away from the scale until Riley was six weeks old. Then Chad and I started playing with the Wii Fit Plus that we got for Christmas, and I got measured. What a lovely game...after I stand on the board it analyzes my weight, then I see my little Mii character all skinny and cute, waiting for the BMI/weight results to come up. I watch the line go higher and higher on the scale, while my little Mii gets fatter and fatter. Then I hear this low-pitched "boi-oi-oing" sound, then sweet little voice saying, "That's overweight." No mincing words there.

So yes, I'm overweight. I had a baby two months ago, and I have quite a bit of weight to lose. Here I am, sharing the shocking numbers with you, putting my concrete goals out there, and making my weight my new "project." And I'm excited to be able to share some progress already!

Starting weight: 174 lbs (I weighed 185 before I had the baby, so this number is discouraging)
Starting body fat: 35%
Goal weight: 135 lbs
Goal body fat: 25%

Weight this morning: 170 lbs! Woohoo!

Here's what I've been doing:
  • Exercising 30 minutes at least 3 times per week using the Wii Fit Plus and Dance Dance Revolution. Best Christmas presents ever. I get cardio, strength training, yoga, and lots of fun.
  • Breastfeeding. This burns an average of 500 calories a day
  • Eating about 1800 calories a day. But this is just an estimate. I'm not counting calories. Instead I'm choosing healthy foods and just counting servings, which is easier, and is a great way to make sure I'm getting all the fruits and veggies I need (something I am terrible at if I'm not working at it).

That's it. It's not rocket science, and it's not complicated, otherwise I wouldn't do it. I have 35 pounds to lose, and 17 weeks is a reasonable time frame (averaging a loss of 2 pounds per week). So I will reach my goal by June 1st. I'm going to be accountable to myself, my husband, and this blog.

If anyone wants to join me in baring it all, please do! I feel better knowing I'm not the only one fighting this battle. We need to stick together!


The Wallace Family said...

Megan - I really admire you, but I am not confident enough in myself to bare all so to speak! Way to go!!!

elise said...

i know you know yourself and you're reasonable, but for me the entire time i'm nursing the baby (when the baby's only nursing, i should say) i can't lose weight, it doesn't matter what i eat or how much i exercise, as long as that baby is getting all their nutrition from me i won't lose a single pound. that being said, i started losing the baby weight at about 6 months for both my kids (weighing within 2 lbs of home-from-the-hospital weight to six months old both times), when they start solids is when my body agrees to lose the weight,
so my advice is, if you have to go slower for the weight to come off (even 1/2 lb a week for the next couple months is good), don't get discouraged! it's still better than me :)

that being said, i'm nearly 6 months pregnant right now, so i'm not making any goals right now :) i'm just craving chocolate (which is ironic, because it really doesn't agree with me). i'll probably start something in about 6 more months, in the meantime, good luck!