Monday, June 27, 2011

Is this thing on?

Wow, so clearly I don't blog about eating healthy or exercising when I'm pregnant.  It's been a little while since I've been here.

But I thought I'd post a link here, to mention how the USDA has yet again amended its nutrition advice, part of its ongoing effort to curb the obesity problem in the US.  Go to, and you'll see that the food pyramid is no longer, my friends.  Instead, we have a plate showing us what we should eat.  I think it's a much better system, finally giving fruits and vegetables the spotlight they need.  Dairy is kind of off to the side, optional really, since we Americans get enough calcium if we're eating right anyway.  And as long as we understand that protein does not just mean meat (especially if it makes us think red meat), the plate is a good thing.

So, since the government is telling us to fill half our plates with fruits and vegetables, do fruits and vegetables get half of the government's money?  Tee hee.  Ho ho ho.  So not even close.


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