Friday, January 23, 2009

yoga ball

thanks meg, for getting this started... i've been thinking a lot about the same things (though i wish i could say i was as close to my "ideal" body-weight as you!). i've recently decided i really need to buckle down and eat healthier, i think that's my bigest problem, though i know i need better exercise habits too.

on that vein though, i recently bought a yoga ball (2 weeks ago), and i think it's fabulous, perhaps it's just because it's new, but it's a fun way to get a little more movement in. i keep it in the living room (unless company comes over), and i use it instead of sitting on the couch when i'm feeding the baby, or watching tv, or whatever... just bouncing on the ball is enough to get my blood pumping (keeps me warm on cold january mornings), and it's fun for the kids too :).

i was a little skeptical of how much of a work-out it is, but just doing some of the exercises in the booklet that came with it (the whole thing was $10 at wal-mart) was enough for me to be seriously sore the next day the first time i did it. --even that's a little embarrasing to admit.

okay, now that i feel like an info-mercial, does anyone else use one of these? do you still like it after the newness wears off? do you still use it?

i figure if nothing else, it's a big green reminder to get up and do something!

1 comment:

Megs said...

I've never owned a ball, but I've used one at the gymn, and really liked the ab workouts. My only concern is that it takes up space...but I didn't think about the bonus of it being an amazing toy for the kids too! $10...hmmm...