Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My Healthy Me Wish List

I'm not sure what my missing link is...laziness, lack of self-discipline, I guess. It's definitely not because I'm perfectly comfortable with my body and my choices in fuel to keep it running. But if I had a diet and exercise regime, I guess it would be as follows:

1. Drink at least half my body weight of water in ounces - 70 ounces of water every day.
2. Eat oatmeal with 2 servings of fresh fruit for breakfast every morning.
3. Eat my "big meal" for lunch.
4. Eat a leafy salad with some chicken and light dressing for dinner.
5. Snack only on whole grains and fresh veggies.
6. Exercise at least 3 days a week for 30 minutes - something that tones my scrawny muscles and gets my heart pumping, maybe breaking a sweat...maybe.
7. I'd like to learn more about baking and cooking with whole grains, not just wheat and oats, but quinoa, millet, spelt, etc.
8. Wheat Grass...yah, I want to grow some of that and juice it.
9. Colon Cleanse?!?... I wouldn't even know where to start, but I'm thinking necessary for a fresh start to a healthy me.
10. Kegels, Kegels, and more Kegels. (Britt would be horrified that I wrote that on a blog that other people read.)
11. Strengthen my "core," essential to enduring another pregnancy.

Just listing it like this, sparks a little fire and desire for improvement. One step at a time, I think I'll start with drinking more water.

1 comment:

Megs said...

You can do it! And don't forget some protein for breakfast--essential!