Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Statistics Update

The last week I have been sick, and therefore did not exercise at all, or watch my diet. As a result, my scale was mean to me this morning. I have, however, made some small improvements, and I thought I'd better give you an update to keep me honest (note: my first post on this blog showed stats that were from the cruise ship body test; these results are from our home scale/body fat analyzer, so they're different):

Start date: Jan. 20th
Weight: 147 lbs
Body fat: 29% (43 lbs)

Today's date: Feb. 17th
Weight: 147 lbs
Body fat: 26.5% (39 lbs)

What? I didn't lose any weight?! Well, actually, I did get down as low as 142.5 before I got sick, but gained it back. BUT the important thing is that my body fat went down 2.5%--that's a loss of 4 pounds of fat! So, since my total weight stayed the same, I know that I've gained muscle mass, which is awesome. And I'm back on the bandwagon, determined to lose it!

1 comment:

elise said...

it seems most places i look online (and i admit, i have no professional training) say 20-30% body fat is average and healthy for women, some sites say below 21 is too low. i think 24-25 sounds more like ideal! (in other words, sometimes you make me sick :) okay, not really, just a little jealous, i still have at least 15 pounds to lose from my baby gain.