Saturday, February 28, 2009

An off week (or two)

I don't know what's wrong with me, but I am doing terribly on my diet! I have been snacking like crazy. I think my monthly cycle is messed up. (See, there I go making excuses!) I am, however always successful at delivering pretty healthy meals. Here's what I made last night: Couscous Jambalaya. I've had couscous in my pantry forever, and since Chad is not a big fan of couscous, but a huge fan of Cajun jambalaya I gave this recipe a try. We loved it! We don't have shrimp very often, so it was a treat to add it in. I don't know what "andouille sausage" is, so I used our favorite Jennie-O Kielbasa. And I replaced the celery with a whole zucchini to up the veggie content. I think I'll try adding a whole red bell pepper next time I make it. It was a great treat, very easy, and such a new flavor for us. Um...and for dessert I made Strawberry Satin Pie, the recipe for which does NOT belong on this particular blog.

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